2005 LSU CCT High School Programming Contest

Contest Prizes

Each year we try very hard to assemble a collection of prizes to reward the hard work for the teams. If you have any suggestions about what we should give for prizes, who should get them (currently the top 3 teams in each division), and where to get prizes and or sponsorship -- please let us know.

Our Awards Ceremony is different than many other contests. We plan to announce First Place first and then go down.

    Planned Order of Announcement
  1. Veteran Winner
  2. Novice Winner
  3. Veteran Second Place
  4. Novice Second Place
  5. Veteran Third Place
  6. Novice Third Place

As each winning team is announced, they will come and choose a prize (each team member gets one prize). It is up to the team to decide what order they pick.

As you can see, Veteran teams get first choice. For dealing with the harder problem set and competing against the more experienced competitors, they earn first choice.

Thanks for participating. If you have suggestions or questions, please feel free to send us an email to hs2005@contest.cct.lsu.edu.

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